2021 Annual Meeting Details

As many of you probably know, CVAR usually has its annual meeting on the 3rd Saturday of January at the Holiday Inn Express in Fairfield, TX.  This year due to COVID, we are not going to have an “in-person” meeting.  In addition, SCCA is hosting a race on the 3rd weekend of the year, and as a result we thought it would be prudent to reschedule our meeting to avoid that date since a number of our members would have a conflict.

We have decided to host a Conference Call on Saturday January 23, 2021 from 12:00PM to 1:30PM.

Call in number: 800.504.4496

Code:               0965597

Since we expect to have many people on the call, it will be important to have solid protocols in place to make the call productive.  We will send out an agenda for the meeting and it will be important to follow the agenda and limit times for member input to specific times on the agenda.  Another key point if for those not speaking to be sure to have their phones muted to avoid outside noise and interference.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


William Wolff