April 30-May 2, 2021
Eagles Canyon Raceway, Decatur, TX
The results are available! Click the event below to view the results for each race group.
Marvelous May Races
Eagles Canyon Raceway – April 30-May 2, 2021
View results in MyLaps.
Information for April 30th – May 2nd, 2021 CVAR Marvelous May Races at Eagles Canyon Raceway (“ECR”) – UPDATED
Update for 04/26/2021:
The locations on the map are not exactly accurate…but probably close enough (Tent is further up).
Just a quick note on the Eagle Eye (which has Timing and Scoring area in the front):
It is still being finished and some portions are under final construction… bathroom will operational and it will have some of the furniture in it. It is our Platinum Member Lounge ; and we are putting full grain leather couches and chaises etc. in it. It’s not your average stuff… please ask timing staff and other folks to be mindful of that space and the furniture.
Also – it looks like Wednesday will be an Epic amount of Rain… again… ; We should be in much better shape as we have a lot more parking … and the weather looks fantastic for the actual racing weekend.
But Thursday will still be wet ground, and folks need to be aware of it to avoid making a mess by ‘trying’ to drive through grassy areas with heavy rigs.
The showers in the clubhouse will be open from 7:30AM to 6:00PM and will close when the clubhouse is closed.
We are looking forward to our upcoming race at ECR and wanted to make sure that everyone had all the information they needed:
General – Please see use map from ECR below
- Hospitality Tent
- Corner Worker Tent camping
- Timing & Scoring Building
- Non-Trailer hauler motorhome camping, overflow trailer parking
- Overflow Parking
- Please make sure that no unsupervised minors drive scooter, golf carts or other motorized vehicles around the paddock area. ECR has had some close calls and incidents on some recent events and want to make sure we do not have any problems.
- The speed limit in the paddock and false grid areas is 15 MPH.
Track Access/Paddock Parking
- Last year our parking plan worked very well and this year ECR has expanded the stabilized area in the Lower Paddock so we believe we have an adequate amount of parking to address the requirements all of our entrants.
- The front gate will be closed until 2:00PM on Thursday April 29th and there will be NO Entry. Safety concerns will not allow any staging or parking on FM 51 or the Track driveway entrance area. Please do not arrive before 2:00PM.
- Several multi-car teams with large trailers (Speedstar, Bigger Hammer, Barron and CWJ) will be given paddock entry at 1:30PM as they each have assigned spaces.
- Paddock Marshalls will direct field parking and release to the paddock area.
- We will have multiple parties to sign waivers and provide wrist bands. We will not be taking temperatures at the gate.
- You will be directed to the paddock parking area based on the following criteria:
- Trucks, and single car trailers of less than 24’ may be directed to either the Lower Paddock Area or the Middle Paddock Area, depending on time of arrival and will park “North/South” as shown below.
- Trucks and trailers in excess of 24’ (including ALL motorhomes and Motorhomes pulling trailers) will be directed to the Lower Paddock Area and will park as shown below.
- Once you reach the appropriate paddock area you will be directed by another Paddock Marshall to park in the furthermost available parking space
- There will be no saving spaces for other parties. If you would like to pit next to or with a group of entrants, then you must wait for all parties to arrive and then go to your paddock location.
CVAR 2020 Awards
- The year end points trophies will be given out on Friday evening after the track has gone cold and will be coordinated by each of the Group Representatives. Please be sure that your Group Reps have all your contact information so they will be able to communicate with you on the timing, location and details.
- The other major CVAR awards such as the Lifetime Achievement, McLaughlin and “Small Bore Feature Race” Awards will be awarded at the Saturday Evening Race Party at 7:00PM.
Food Service at the Track
- ECR has acquired a new Food Truck which will be operated by Maggie Williams. It will be available all three days and will have breakfast and lunch items on the menu. If you can please help support them!
- During the lunch break, all corner workers will be able to get to the front of the line for lunch.
Fuel at the Track
- 93 and 100 unleaded racing fuel and 110 leaded racing fuel will be available at the track.
CVAR Saturday Evening Party
- We are planning what we hope will be a great party for all our entrants, workers and guests for Saturday evening beginning at 6:00PM and ending around 9:00PM.
- The food will be provided by Sam LeComte and there will be music, adult beverages, the prize ceremony, etc.
- The party will be in the new tent on the top of the hill above Turn 1 and we will be providing extra golf carts to assist in providing access.
We have a very full weekend planned as you can see from the attached schedule. Drivers meetings will start at 7:00 am on Friday and Saturday, and worker meetings start at 7:15 am each day.
A track walk (sorry, no motor vehicles, including golf carts) is planned to begin at the end of the day on Friday as soon as the track is cold.
Race Group awards will be presented on Friday evening at the various race group parties throughout the paddock.
A special tribute for Bob Green, Jr. and Bob Green, Sr., will be held on Saturday, immediately after the last session before lunch.The tribute will include a lap of the track by the Green Family and friends, and a second final checker flag lap by the Green family.
The first annual Texas Small Bore Festival “YeeHaww” invitational will run immediately after lunch on Saturday.
A Meet and Greet will be held at 5:30 on Saturday evening, to showcase our CVAR organization to the many ECR members who have been invited to attend our event. We encourage each of the Race Group leaders and other CVAR members to attend to answer questions and provide information on how they might get involved in CVAR.
An all participant party is planned for Saturday evening, beginning at 6:00 pm after the Meet and Greet. ECR is in the process of erecting a permanent Party Tent on the hill near the new Timing and Control Building. There will be music and a movie screen set up to view videos of our races, and several CVAR awards will be presented. We hope everyone will join us.
Jaguar Club parade laps are planned for Sunday, immediately after the last race before lunch.

For the latest information, visit us on the CVAR Official Club Page on Facebook.
View the entire 2021 Race Calendar.