
Vintage racing balances the preservation of the cars as they were designed to race with safe competition.

The Ace Factor, E. Paul Dickenson

Reasons for Rules

  1. Cost Containment:  If CVAR allowed some cars to run with illegal equipment, it would encourage others with proper cars to install expensive, illegal, and often unreliable parts to have someone to race with.  By freezing specifications at 1972, there can be no “trick parts” that crop up every year.
  2. Rules Standardization:  By accepting standards that are in line with other Vintage Motorsports Council (VMC) groups, our members can run with other clubs across the country without having to re-engineer their cars.  Also, members of other clubs will be encouraged to run Corinthian events.
  3. VMC Compliance:  All VMC groups are working toward uniform tire and preparation standards. As a member of the VMC, CVAR will support those actions.

Accepted Cars

  1. Production and Sedan Cars

CVAR accepts Production and Sedan cars up to and including 1972 with preparation in accordance with SCCA’s GCR/PCS versions up to and including 1972.  CVAR requires that any car accepted must be representative of a car type that actually raced in period in the SCCA.

Classes are based on the 1972 SCCA GCR as follows:

  • Production A through H
  • Sedans A through C
  1. FIA/IMSA Class

CVAR accepts cars for its FIA/IMSA Class prepared to 1974 FIA or earlier specs, as raced in other than SCCA competitions (e.g., IMSA, RAC, ModSports).

  1. Sports-Racing Classes

CVAR accepts Sport-Racing Classes A through D for cars raced prior to 1973 and S2000 Class for cars up to 1994.  Owners must provide proof of date of manufacture of identical model and appropriate specifications.

  1. Formula Classes

CVAR accepts Formula Classes as follows:

  • FA, F2, FSV with 1986 cut-off
  • FB to 1972
  • F-1 cars up to 1960
  • FC with 1972 cut-off
  • FF1 with 1972 cut-off
  • FF2 for cars between 1973 and 1981 (Board of Directors May 2010)
  • FF3 for cars between 1982 and 1994
  • FF2000 for cars up to 1994
  • FV with 1972 cut-off
  1. Corinthian Classics

To encourage participation in vintage racing by cars that are of 1950s appearance and technology, CVAR accepts Corinthian Classics (Group 4).  They differ in spirit as well as equipment from other CVAR classes since 1950s production cars were not allowed as many modifications as they were in the 1960s.  They should, ideally, be suitable for road or racing and many performance modifications are discouraged or not allowed.  Although 1961 is the nominal cutoff, some later cars are clearly 1950s technology while some 1960s-era cars are not and will be excluded from this group.  Cars built prior to 1962 that are modified beyond these regulations may still be eligible for other CVAR groups.  Although racing is not restricted, outright competition is not emphasized in this group as much as in other CVAR groups.

  1. Non-SCCA Spec Production Cars

Examples:  Lotus S-7 Twin Cam was not SCCA legal, but they were built by the factory and raced in England with the RAC.  CVAR classifies them as C-Production.

Production cars built to 1972 or earlier alternate club regulations (RAC, FIA) are accepted, but will be classified by the Chief Steward by anticipated performance levels.  Note that these regulations must be followed accurately – no picking and choosing from among several sets of regulations.  These cars can be re-classified at any time if they turn out to be too quick (cars built to SCCA regulations will not be re-classified).  Entrant is responsible for documenting questioned modifications (must be of period practice and legality).

  1. Replicas/Continuation Cars/Kit Cars/Turbocharged Cars

CVAR does not accept replicas, continuation cars, or kit cars of any type, nor does CVAR accept any turbocharged cars.

Do you have a question about the rules? Is your car eligible? Don’t know what “Authentic Period Correct” means?

Don’t worry…we are here to help you with all your questions and get you on the Grid and Racing with CVAR.

Please reach out to the CVAR Authenticity Chief for all your Rules and Eligibility questions: Ricardo Price at [email protected].