Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering with Corinthian Vintage Auto Racing (CVAR) is an exciting way to get up close to the world of vintage racing while playing a crucial role in keeping the sport alive. Whether you’re a lifelong motorsports fan or new to the scene, CVAR offers a welcoming community where volunteers help with race-day operations, safety, and event logistics. As a volunteer, you’ll experience the thrill of classic race cars in action, connect with passionate enthusiasts, and contribute to the success of well-organized events.

Volunteer with CVAR

1:  Race Chairs or Co-Chairs

  • Help in the pre-planning of events (parties, feature races, etc).
  • Help in the on-site management of event activities.
  • The fun part of this is that you get to have a “Say” on how a weekend goes!

2:  Graphic Design

  • Help create the graphics for our Event Posters, Tee Shirts, Registration, etc.
  • Help create paddock maps and other member communication graphics.

3:  Paddock Marshals / Assistants

  • Help create paddock parking plans.
  • Help Marshal parking during load in when needed.

4:  Video Editor / Design

  • Help create / edit CVAR Videos to be used in Marketing / Promotion / Education / Social Media.

5:  Social Media Management / Assistants

  • Help CVAR manage / expand to various Social Media Platforms.
  • Distribute our Marketing & Communication Messaging on the platforms.

6:  Membership Coordinator

  • Help in coordination / tracking of our Memberships in TrackRabbit.
  • Welcome and Encourage new Members.

7:  Student Driver Mentors

  • Welcome new Student / Members and follow and encourage them on their first-year journey into Vintage Racing.  
  • Engage them into our Social Structure.

8:  School Instructors

  • Become a trained instructor and help with our Bi-Annual Schools.
  • Drive your race car in lead-follow exercises for our Students.

9:  Track Rabbit – Administrators / Assistants

  • Become a trained administrator for our Registration system.
  • Work with our Registrar to Assist our members and guests with any registration questions / issues.

10:  Car Tech & Annuals Assistance

  • Become a trained “Annual Tech” person, to assist in doing car “Annuals” either at an event or other locations.

11:  Simple Jobs at an Event

  • Help with party set-up.
  • Help with dinner tickets / sign in.
  • Help with putting up / taking down the Winner’s circle.
  • Help with putting up / taking down the CVAR Flags.
  • Help with … you fill in the blank.

12:  Sponsorships Assistance / Coordinator

  • Help in reaching out to acquire new sponsors.
  • Help in engaging and maintaining our sponsor relationships.
  • Help in developing “sponsorship” programs.

13:  Group Representative

  • Become a “Group Rep” and help engage group Members regularly.  
  • Become the “Social Glue” for your Group.  Have fun with it!
  • Represent your Group on the Competition Committee for rule changes.
  • Be an “Technical Expert” and resource for a specific car Make and Model of car.

14:  Authenticity / Championship Assistance

  • Work with the Authenticity Chief to help in Scoring cars for Authenticity
  • Help educate and mentor both Guests and Members on our car eligibility and rules.
  • Help track and update Championship Points.
  • Help track and update Track Lap Records.

14:  Guest Liaison 

  • Help in welcoming Guests and thanking them for their participation.
  • Reach out to them and encourage them.

15:  Swag Coordinator or Helper

  • Design and Purchase the CVAR Swag (stickers, patches, hats, etc etc)
  • Help sell the Swag at an event.
  • Transport and Swag to events.

16:  Safety Committee

  • Volunteer to be part of the Safety Committee to review “incidents”.
  • Help administer our Safety Policies by being a source of information for drivers.

17:  Championship Trophy Coordinator

  • Be responsible for ordering and distributing our Championship Trophies – a once a year job.

For information on these opportunities, please reach out to Steve Coleman, David Lee, or Steven Schultz.