Thunder on the Cimarron XIX

October 9-11, 2020

Hallett Motor Racing Circuit, Jennings, OK


The results are available! Click the event below to view the results.

View the event schedule.

See you at the races!

Guidelines for CVAR Race at Hallett Motor Racing Circuit

October 9 – 11, 2020

We are looking forward to Thunder on the Cimarron XIX at Hallett Motor Racing Circuit coming up on October 9th – 11th. We want to continue to make sure that we have plans in place for the event so that our club members and anyone else on site is safe. With the advent of the coronavirus, we have had rethink the way we conduct our events, for the safety of our drivers, crew, staff and track personnel. CVAR will do everything we can to keep our people safe, but inevitably many of the new safety protocols will be the responsibility of CVAR members.

Jennifer Stephens has checked with the State of Oklahoma and Pawnee County, where Hallett is located, is characterized as “Yellow – Low Risk” which shows specific recommendations for businesses and individuals. Please see the attached for more detail.

These program changes are set forth below are minimum guidelines for all CVAR members to meet. Participants who refuse to comply with these policies will be asked to leave the event upon first offense.

CVAR Protocols

  • All registrations must be completed at least 24 hours (10.7.20) and there will be no registration at the track
  • On Thursday (10.8.20) from the time the track opens until closing, temperatures will be taken via a remote thermometer/scanner at the entrance gate. Thereafter temperatures will be taken in the morning on Friday and Saturday (10.9.20 and 10.10.20) from the time that the track opens until 9AM. In the event anyone requesting entry has an elevated temperature, they will not be allowed to enter the facility.
  • All meetings to be held outdoors with masks required and social distancing rules in place.
  • Radios and headsets will be sanitized each evening after their use
  • The event is not open to the public. Only open to drivers, their cohabitants, and crew. Guests are welcome and will need to sign in as “guests” at the gate
  • There will be no CVAR sponsored social events over the weekend
  • Chief Steward to meet with corner workers and emergency services staff to ensure they understand and follow Social Distancing and safety processes and procedures. All workers need to wear masks.
    • Isolate the person
    • Work with Track Medical or Ambulance personnel to obtain medical assistance
    • Work with CVAR team to sanitize the area in which the person was located
    • Notify Race Director and President of the situation

Member Protocols

  • A signed COVID waiver is required for every person at the event.
  • All participants must wear a cloth mouth and nose face covering or other non-venting PPE mask when in public areas such as at meetings, Driver Info and Registration, vendor areas and food lines, photography viewing areas, pre-grid, fan stands and track viewing areas, and vehicle tech inspection. Drivers do not need to wear a mask or face covering while in their vehicles.
  • All non-cohabitating participants shall continue to maintain 6 feet social distancing. Face coverings are not a substitute for physical/social distancing. Visiting between entrants should be minimized.
  • All participants shall practice good hygiene by washing hands or using hand sanitizer often, especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces, such as pens, faucets, etc.
  • All meetings will be out-door only and will require wearing masks and maintaining 6 feet social distancing. There will be no in-door meetings.
  • Vulnerable individuals to COVID-19 (those with serious underlying medical problems such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, chronic lung disease and asthma, or immunocompromised state) should neither participate in nor attend the event.
  • Participants who are sick or coughing should not go to the event and will be required to leave.

CVAR Staff Protocols

  • All CVAR staff working indoors or outside potentially in close proximity to participants or other staff members must wear a face covering or mask.
  • Driver Info desk should be set up outdoors whenever possible to avoid indoor gatherings.
  • Race control and timing shall be restricted to essential personnel only. Both should be set up in a way that allows the recommended 6-foot distance to be maintained at all times.
  • There will be no shared coolers provided for drinks. All workers should provide their own.
  • Worker lunches will be available for purchase at the Finish Line Café on a box lunch basis. Any requests for lunch must be made on the evening before via email to the Café
  • Any lines that may form during the event for participants or staff should be planned for ahead of time to ensure 6-foot distancing guidelines can be maintained. This can include the lunch line to order food, driver info, etc.


  • Tech should be done with the participants staying in their vehicles and pulling up in line to avoid any gatherings at the tech area. If more than a vehicle weight is needed, the driver shall exit the vehicle and wait at least 6 feet away from the driver’s side.
  • Two or more “lines” spread 12 feet apart should be used when possible.
  • Tech inspectors should wear masks.

Award Ceremonies 

  • Awards will be given outside at the Winner’s Circle using a “no contact” process.
  • Awards should be set up ahead of time on a table where drivers can pick up their specific awards.
  • “High fives,” hugs and handshakes following the race should be avoided.
  • A minimum of 6 feet of separation should be maintained at all times.
  • We are looking forward to welcoming all CVAR members back to the track and hope that we will soon return the a much more “normal” world.

Pawnee County, where Hallett is located, is in the Yellow Phase by the State of Oklahoma.

View the entire 2020 Race Calendar.