CVAR requires a physical examination to ensure that participants have the required physical health/skills to compete safely. Its frequency is determined by age group. Due to the disruption caused by Covid 19 the CVAR BOD voted to extend a “grace period” for racers who find it impossible and are unable to get a Physical examination.
This “grace period’ extends to June 30, 2021. It is intended to be used only when the required Physician administered exam is impossible and unavailable to you. If your medical recently has expired or will expire before June 30, 2021 and you cannot get an exam, CVAR will except the signing of the “Good Faith” Waiver. This is to be done at the track upon sign-in at any race you enter during the “grace period”. The signer is attesting to the fact that nothing has changed in their medical condition from the last exam that would prohibit safe operation of a race car.
Frequently asked questions
What do I do if I want to race and my Medical has recently expired and I need to renew my license?
Get your physical. Many of our racers are finding that they can indeed get the required physical exam. If it is impossible and you cannot get your exam, you can race during the “grace period” by paying your membership, if expired, to enter the race and then signing the “Good Faith” waiver at the track. The signer is attesting to the fact that nothing has changed in their medical condition from the last exam that would prohibit safe operation of a race car.
Should I just send the waiver in place of an exam to renew my license?
No. The waiver is not a replacement for the required exam. You cannot get a new license without the proper exam. You must apply and pay for your new license and provide all of the needed requirements including a current Medical exam. Do not send a license renewal application without a current Medical exam.
OK, this is confusing I’m not sure what to do?
- Get your physician administered exam and use the regular renewal process.
- If it is impossible and you are unable to get the exam, renew your membership and sign a “Good Faith” waiver at the track for each race you enter until June 30, 2021
- Get your Physician administered exam as soon as you are able and apply for your new license.