2023 Race Calendar

CVAR Registration Information:

ECR Entry Fee for the 2023 Brad Balles Driver School and Races will be $600 and will include CVAR Track Insurance.

The Entry Fee for Students for the Brad Balles Driver School at ECR will be $700 (an extra $100 to cover the cost of time and materials for the school and to help offset lost income for credits given to instructors) and will include Track Insurance for the Students. 

Thunder on the Cimarron at Hallett will be $550 and will not include Track Insurance.

Early Bird Entry (aka the standard entry fee) will expire two weeks prior to the Wednesday evening before the event. Any entry received after that date will result in an additional $100 fee.

For all CVAR sponsored parties for the rest of the year, we will require anyone attending the party to pay $20 for food provided by CVAR for the event.

The fee includes Test-and-Tune Friday and the Saturday and Sunday races.

Race Calendar

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