October 10-13, 2024
Ozarks International Raceway, Gravois Mills, Missouri

Join VSCDA, CVAR and RMVR at this four-day event as we make history! Thunder in the Ozarks combines three of the premiere vintage racing clubs to present the 1st Annual Vintage Road Racing Championship at Ozarks International Raceway. We bring back the original nostalgia of drivers coming together to celebrate their cars and driving expertise as they compete wheel to wheel to be named CHAMPION. The COMPASS CUP, a traveling trophy symbolizing the multi-state collaboration will be presented to the most successful club during the event.
Does VSCDA honor other clubs racing licenses? Yes, if you have a current VMC affiliated license, please send a copy into the VSCDA for filing. These are accepted.
Why do I have to join VSCDA? To maintain the VSCDA’s 501c7 registration as a not-for-profit status social club, each driver must “join” the club. We have negotiated a reduced fee for membership for only the one event at $25. You are welcome to join the club for the full annual fee if you like, but if you are only attending the October event, the $25 is a relative deal.
Does this event count towards our CVAR year-end championship? No, this event does not count towards the end of year CVAR championship points. As this is such a late edition to the schedule and such a distance to travel, it does not count towards the CVAR championship.
Will there be trophies? Yes, there will be an awards ceremony midday on Sunday prior to the last race of the day. Awards will be presented at this time.
Will there be a tri-Club trophy award? Yes, there is to be a club challenge championship “traveling trophy” awarded at this event which will lead into our RMVR, CVAR and VSCDA club challenge joint events for 2025.
Can I park my trailer at the track early? For those who are attending the Hallett Can-Am Mini Challenge event and October CVAR “regular” race on the weekend of October 4-6, will trailer parking be available at the Ozarks afterwards so I can drop my car and explore Lake of the Ozarks during the week before the event? Yes, the owner of O.I.R. has agreed to store competitors’ trailers during the week prior to the event.
I am new to O.I.R. and hear it is a tricky track to learn. Is there a practice day before the main race weekend? Yes, the Thursday before the event is slated as a “test day” for a fee of $275. This is well worth the expense.
How do I register for this event? VSCDA has their own registration system. Please go to this event link to register.
As a visitor, do I have to send in any car-related forms? Yes, there is a car and engine prep form that will be required for proper classification of your car. This is found here.
Both VSCDA and RMVR have a different car classification system and rule set to CVAR, even allowing later model cars to run (Porsche 924, Fiat X-19, RX7 and early Miata), how do we get classified at this event? When you register for the Ozarks event, VSCDA will review your car prep form and class you according to their rules, not CVAR rules. It could be that you will be running with a different set of competitors cars at the Ozarks event. Don’t sweat it. The track is 4 miles long and there is plenty of room for a variation of cars in each group.
Will VSCDA honor CVAR or another club’s annual tech? Yes, VSCDA will honor any VMC affiliated clubs annual tech….if current. Helmet stickers are also required to run the event. Have your helmet checked during tech and get the sticker. Grid workers look for these and will not let you out on track without them.
Does VSCDA require any special physical forms? Yes, but they will honor the CVAR annual physical forms that you submitted when securing your CVAR license for the year. Please send a copy when you send in the copy of your license and car prep form. VSCDA form
I heard the Ozarks track has a lot of hazards and is almost entirely lined with concrete or Armco. Is it safe? The track was developed with lengthy runoff areas (gravel traps) with the idea of FIA approval in the future. While almost entirely lines with barriers, the track has lots of room to get stopped before contact. This track is loaded with elevation changes and also surrounded by trails which spectators use to get to great vantage points for viewing. The concrete and Armco are there to not only protect the drivers from getting into the trees or into a ravine if there is an extreme off-track excursion, but they are also in place to protect the workers and spectators. During the October event in 2023 there were no car-to-car incidents and there was no car to barrier contact despite it being a rainy start to the weekend.
Kent Prather talking about the track last year
For the latest information, visit us on the CVAR Official Club Page on Facebook.
View the entire 2024 Race Calendar.