Porsche 914 Clarification

CVAR Authenticity Policy Board  


Issue addressed:  

Classification clarification for Porsche 914- 4-cylinder chassis  


Clarify and classify Porsche 914 -4 by engine displacement  


Discussion included Authenticity Policy Board, G2 Reps, 914 owners, and input from other knowledgeable racers.  


CVAR has determined at its own discretion and will use, in spirit, the general criteria for Production cars and the PCS as laid out in the SCCA 1972 GCR  

914 Porsche 1.7 classified as E Production.  

914 Porsche 2.0 classified as D Production.  

The use of 2.0 heads on any displacement will be placed in D production.  


This clarification makes for a better fit with the layout of CVAR current run groups. It will also more accurately follow historical precedent. Like many other types of CVAR cars, classification is determined by drive line components and not chassis. It gives owner/drivers options as to which class they prefer to race in.  

Effective date:  

Immediately 4-2-21 

Download a PDF version of this clarification.