Please see below from Shae Petersen from MotorsportReg. In light of DLB Racing disappearing at the end of this year, The CVAR Board considered a number of other options for a new race registration platform. Based on our review, we believe that MSReg, which is already widely used throughout the motorsport world and is now owned by Hagerty Insurance, represented the best choice for our members in terms of cost, support, ease of access and financial security.
As of 5:00PM CDT on Thursday July 23rd we will reopen registration for the upcoming CVAR Mike Stephens Classic Race at Hallett Motor Racing Circuit on August 21st – 23rd. As you can see below we have asked MSReg to provide us with assistance for our members to set up accounts (if necessary) and register for the event.
Please note that if you already registered for this event when we planned to run it earlier this year (March 20th – 22nd) you do not need to do anything. The earlier registrations from DLB will still be valid. Only those who have not already registered need to use the MSReg platform for this event.
Permanent numbers will be in effect.
Going forward for the rest of the year, all registrations for CVAR events will be on the new MSReg platform.
We believe MSReg will be a great partner for us going forward and look forward to addressing any questions or input you may have.

We would like to welcome all CVAR members to MotorsportReg, we are all very excited to have you join us and are hoping to make this a smooth transition. There will be a few links and instructions on how you can go about setting up your account and managing your registrations in this email.
If you already have an account on MotorsportReg you will not need to do any of the following, all you would need to do is log into your account and start registering for events.
If you do not have an account, the first thing you would need to do is set up your profile, this is where you will register for events and keep track of your vehicles/permanent numbers/contact information and registrations.
You can use this link to create an account
You will be required to fill out some information such as email addresses/street address/emergency contact information etc. Once your profile has been created you would need to add CVAR to your profile. Here is how you can do that.
- Click on the My Account Tab
- Select your profile
- Click on Add Membership
- Search for Corinthian Vintage Auto Racing
- Click Add
Once this is done all CVAR events will show up on your dashboard for you to register.
You can add vehicles to your garage (You can add as many vehicles as you like), adding your vehicles will allow you to select the vehicle on the registration form and you will not be required to fill out the information multiple times. We suggest you do this before registering for events.
- Click on your profile
- Click on Add Vehicle
- Enter your vehicle details
- Save
Now that you have your profile created and your garage up to date you can start registering for events. All CVAR events will show up on your dashboard, you would just need to click ‘Register now’ and proceed with the registration process.
We do offer customer support so please feel free to contact us if you run into any difficulties. You can email into [email protected] or you could give us a call at 1-888 242 9684. There are a couple of prompts that you will receive but there will be a person available to help address your questions.
We look forward to having CVAR members join us, let’s get some cars out on track.
Shae Petersen